Thursday, February 11, 2010

All time box office records
Found this interesting site, shows all time top films and movies box office records.
DOMESTIC Avatar $633,621,035
ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION Gone with the Wind $1,537,559,604
WORLDWIDE Avatar $2,240,712,214

RATED R Passion of the Christ $370,782,930
RATED PG-13 Avatar $633,621,035
RATED PG Star Wars $460,998,007
RATED G Finding Nemo $339,714,978
RATED NC-17 Showgirls $20,350,754

MOVIES THAT NEVER HIT #1 My Big Fat Greek Wedding $241,438,208
IMAX Everest (IMAX) $87,178,599

This is over time records.
Most of the top films are PG or family orientated. This is because it has a wider auidence and will atract more people because of the good feeling you get after the film.
As we have chosen the 15 target range this will drop our viewing figure numbers as we are loseing the family auidence market but we still will get a large number of people.

1 comment:

  1. Dan: don't forget to add comments and personal refection after postings like this - what is your response to these figures - do they surprise you??
    What do you learn from the genre or scale of the most popular films?
    Can it influence your own style as a film producer??
